The Prairie Grove School District has decided to cancel all student and staff school-related travel outside the state for the next 2-3 weeks. Any exceptions will be on a case by case determination
almost 5 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
Reminder about Parent Teacher conferences tonight and Thursday night 3:30-6:30. It’s not too late to sign up. Call the office for help.
almost 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
AMI packets are now loaded on the MS webpage under the Documents tab in case of any future bad weather. Go to / schools / middle school / documents (bottom left corner).
almost 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
AMI Day 1 packet is posted for 5th & 6th on the MS Facebook page. If you don’t have Facebook and you need the packet, please email me at
almost 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Grades from 1st semester should be updated in HAC. If you are unaware of how to look at HAC, call the office tomorrow for help or refer to our video on the M.S. Facebook page. If you would like a hard copy, send your student to the office to request one and we will print it.
about 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
All Middle School Gyms will be closed this weekend for maintenance.
about 5 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
1st quarter Grades should be updated and viewable on HAC. If you would like a printed report, you can call the office or have your student come by and we will print it for you.
about 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
The week of October 21st-25th is the National School Bus Safety Week. Please join us in keeping our Buses safe!
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
School Bus Safety Week
Reminder: School is dismissed next Monday and Tuesday. Be safe, stay warm and have a nice break out of school.
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
This past week, Mr. Davis, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. Lawhorn, and Ms. Edwards participated in a conference at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta. To our students, the learning doesn’t stop when you leave school. You are lifelong learners, and you should constantly be finding ways to better yourself. We can’t wait to apply what we learned. What are you learning outside of school?
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
2019-2020 PHJHS Cheerleader - Prairie Grove Kiddie Camp Signups - October 28-31, 2019 3:30-5:30 Signup Form:
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
PGMS: This Friday is the last day to have immunizations taken care of. Students who are not in compliance with either having the immunization or showing an appointment scheduled, will not be allowed to come back to school starting Monday Oct. 7th. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
PGMS will have the first Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting of the year Oct. 1 at 1:00 in the MS Library for all who can and attend. If you have questions or concerns, please forward them to me at and I will be glad to address it.
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
PGMS: Please return free and reduced lunch forms to the office ASAP if you have not. It is totally confidential as to who qualifies. Many do not know that it is very beneficial to our school to get these back. Some of our federal funding is tied to these forms. With all the budget cuts, this is money we do not want to leave unclaimed. If you have any questions or concerns, call 846-4220 and ask for Mr. Taylor.
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Reminder of last night of PT Conf for the fall tonight until 6:30. Also, we will have our annual Title I presentation tonight at 6:00 in the cafeteria for all those who want to attend.
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
We will have our annual Title I presentation this Thursday at 6:00 in the cafeteria for all those who want to attend.
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Reminder of PT conferences upcoming Sept. 17 & 19. You should receive a paper to sign up for conferences. Please return ASAP to help us schedule.
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
5/6 grades will have a dance this Friday at 2:00 in the cafeteria. Cost is $2 and there will be concessions available for $1 each (drinks and snacks). Hope to see everyone there before our first long break! Those who choose not to attend will be able to stay in another class.
over 5 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Prairie Grove Pee Wee Football and Cheer registration ends today at noon. Forms can be picked up and dropped off in the Elementary offices. No late registrations will be accepted
over 5 years ago, Jonathan Warren
Prairie Grove Pee Wee Football and Cheer registration end on June 21st. Forms can be picked up and dropped off in the Elementary and MS offices. No late registrations will be accepted
over 5 years ago, Jonathan Warren