Transportation Department

Middle School Carline Procedures
Drop off begins at 7:15 AM
Students may not be dropped off before 7:15 AM each morning.
Pick up line opens at 2:30 PM
You may not line up prior to 2:30 PM for afternoon pick up.
Carline is in the back of the building
Front loop closed
Before 7:45 AM and after 2:30 PM the loop in the front of PGMS will be closed to thru traffic.
Enter through the office
All visitors (and students arriving late) must still enter through the office.
Middle School Conferences Parking
Please do not park on site until after 3:25. We need to give buses a chance to get off site and allow for all teachers to move their vehicles.
Parking Options:
PGMS Front and Side lots
Grass in front of PGMS
Abundant Life Church Parking Lot
PGHS Parking Log
DO NOT PARK ALONG or ON VINEY GROVE ROAD- PGPD will be ticketing and towing any cars found parked on VG Rd.

Preschool Car Line Procedures
Drop Off:
Form Two Lines
The first 5 cars in each line will scan the QR code to check their children in. Staff will then assist the student to the building.
If you are waiting for your turn please have your child ready, things gathered, and MyKids app up and ready to sign in.
If the student is having difficulty separating from you then you may pull into one of the parking spaces near the PreK building. Otherwise please remain in your vehicle.
Pick Up:
Same process as the morning.
The pickup line starts at 2:30 PM
Staff will assist the student to the vehicle. Be out and ready to buckle the student in the correct car seat and scan the QR code to sign them out.
Please do not drive off until the stop sign is turned to the slow side.
The next 5 vehicles in each line will then do the same process.