Transportation Department

Transportation Director

Lucky Chambers

Lockert Chambers

Middle School Conferences Parking

  • September 30th (Last names A-L) and October 1 (Last names M-Z) from 3:30 to 6:30

  • Please do not park on site until after 3:25. We need to give buses a chance to get off site and allow for all teachers to move their vehicles. 

  • Parking Options:

    • PGMS Front and Side lots

    • Grass in front of PGMS

    • Abundant Life Church Parking Lot 

    • PGHS Parking Log 

  • DO NOT PARK ALONG or ON VINEY GROVE ROAD- PGPD will be ticketing and towing any cars found parked on VG Rd.

ms parking

prek car line

Preschool Car Line Procedures

Drop Off:

  • Form Two Lines

  • The first 5 cars in each line will scan the QR code to check their children in. Staff will then assist the student to the building.

  • If you are waiting for your turn please have your child ready, things gathered, and MyKids app up and ready to sign in.

  • If the student is having difficulty separating from you then you may pull into one of the parking spaces near the PreK building. Otherwise please remain in your vehicle.

Pick Up:

  • Same process as the morning.

  • The pickup line starts at 2:30 PM

  • Staff will assist the student to the vehicle. Be out and ready to buckle the student in the correct car seat and scan the QR code to sign them out.

  • Please do not drive off until the stop sign is turned to the slow side.

  • The next 5 vehicles in each line will then do the same process.