As the new semester begins typically the Nurse's Offices see an uptick of viral illnesses and want to share with you ways to keep your family safe from illness.
The CDC is reporting this year's flu season is officially underway as of late December. They are also reporting an unusually high incidence of Norovirus (the virus responsible for vomiting/diarrhea) which is HIGHLY contagious.
Signs of illness can include any of the following:
sore throat
chest congestion with frequent cough
body aches
Please keep your child home if they have fever (100 or higher) in the past 24 hours, vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours and/or frequent cough. Student must be fever free without aid of medications.
Hand washing and disinfecting surfaces frequently touched are the most effective ways to prevent the spread. Avoiding others while having a fever is another way to prevent the spread as that is the most contagious period of any illness.
Should you need medical intervention below are options here in Prairie Grove-
PG Health and Wellness- Community Clinic located beside the Elementary School
Access Medical Clinic (Urgent Care) on Hwy 62
MANA Clinic on Douglas Street
Collier Drug can do testing and can treat some illnesses without seeing a doctor, contact them for information.
We know that by following these simple guidelines students, staff, and your family can be spared the repercussions of these viral illnesses.