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Our Programs

Information on programs available to students at Prairie Grove Schools.

Explore Prairie Grove Schools

Our mission is that in collaborative partnership with families and community, will provide a secure environment of educational excellence where ALL BELONG, ALL LEARN, and ALL SUCCEED. Our vision is that with relentless intent and perseverance, will champion a K-12 learning community that is committed to ensuring all students that graduate are prepared for college, career, and citizenship. Please continue to learn more about our district with the links and information on this page. Thank you for your interest in this community and your child's education. You are the reason our schools continue to succeed!

Dr. Campbell

Superintendent Dr. Lance Campbell

Follow the Prairie Grove Schools Story

Our Values

We Believe In:

Our significance as individuals;

Our value as a group;

Our purpose to learn;

Our expectations to do our best;

Our trustworthiness to help our school be a safe and friendly place;

Our potential to achieve;

Our intentions to strive for excellence.

PGSD Equity Statement

No student in the Prairie Grove School District shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, or disability be excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity sponsored by the District. All programs offered by schools within Prairie Grove School District shall be open to all students in compliance with statutory and judicial requirements.

The Prairie Grove School District will continue to provide direct student support and continuous blended learning opportunities and the technology needed to continued blended learning opportunities no matter race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, or disability.

Welcome to the Prairie Grove School District parent webpage. To request more information to be posted on this site or if you have questions/comments email:

Important Notes:

Food Service:  If you do not have a parent & student PIN code for the cafeteria account balance system, please contact Renee Marshall - Food Service Director at

Student Grades (HAC):  If you have a student(s) in grades 3 through 12, you can now access his/her grades online through Home Access Center. If you do not have an HAC account, please contact the appropriate building office where your student attends school. You should expect to see updated grades every one to two weeks.

Public School Choice Act 1227 of 2013: also known as the "Public School Choice Act of 2013," repealed the Public School Choice Act of 1989 and incorporated a new system of public school choice in Arkansas. Act 1227 of 2013 went into effect April 16, 2013.