All Returning Students are required to complete BOTH the RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION and the ENROLLMENT PACKET.
A student’s computer account will not be enabled until both of these registrations have been completed. (Your child is considered a “Returning Student” if they were enrolled at Prairie Grove Schools on the last day of school)
The RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION allows you to update your address, phone number, Emergency Contacts, etc. This registration is also where the parent and the student will sign off on the Student Handbook, Computer Usage Agreement and the No Photo Agreement. You do not have to upload any documents unless you have moved to a new address. If you have moved, please upload a new Proof of Residency (Utility bill, Lease/Rental Agreement or Mortgage Contract)
The ENROLLMENT PACKET is the portion that is considered as the “Back To School Forms”. This covers Transportation, Medical, Home Language Survey, Employment Survey, Title I and FERPA Agreement for Vision & Hearing Screenings
Both the RETURNING STUDENT REGISTRATION and the ENROLLMENT PACKET will be emailed to the parent that has the PowerSchool account. If you have not received anything by late July please check your spam folder or reach out to your child's building administration. The email will be from "noreplyenrollment@powerschool.com" and not from pgtigers.org.
NOTE: A parent will be receiving two emails for each student. The “Returning Student Registration” and the “Enrollment Packet”.