PGMS Fitness Fair will be this Friday May 5th. We are still in need of any donations which help update playground equipment. Also, you can still sign up for the dodgeball tournament until Wednesday.
almost 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Click the link to view the 5th issue of the Tiger Times.
almost 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
All progress report grades 5th-8th are available in HAC, or you can request a copy from the office at 846-4221. Please check our announcements, there is a lot going on towards the end of school.
almost 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Young Writers Camp at PGMS June 5-16 (8:00 - 12:00). If you have any questions, contact Free for the 1st 18 that sign up online at
almost 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Report Cards are going home today in the Tuesday folders for 5th and 6th graders. The grades are viewable on HAC, but if 7th or 8th would like a hard copy, just notify the office to get one.
almost 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
We will be sending home a flyer to promote an opportunity for our students who would like to attend a writers workshop. The dates are June 5-16 (7:45 - 12:15). Please consider this for your student.
almost 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
This is a reminder that we are having our Parent - Teacher conferences Tuesday February 7th and Thursday February 9th from 3:30 to 6:30 pm in the 5th/6th building and cafeteria.
about 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Starting February 1st, 2017, the State Police Testing Center in Springdale will do driving and skills in the morning from 8:00 to 11:30 am ONLY. Written tests will only be administered in the afternoon from 1:00 to 4:30 pm. For your required form, please email Mrs. Styles at or Ms. Gill at one week prior to your test. Thank you!
about 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Grades were printed and sent home yesterday for 5th and 6th in their Tuesday folder. All grades 5th-8th are available in HAC, or you can request a copy from the office at 846-4221.
about 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Grades were printed and sent home yesterday for 5th and 6th in their Tuesday folder. All grades 5th-8th are available in HAC, or you can request a copy from the office at 846-4221.
about 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Grades were printed and sent home yesterday for 5th and 6th in their Tuesday folder. All grades 5th-8th are available in HAC, or you can request a copy from the office at 846-4221.
about 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
There will be a social event this Friday in the gym. 5th/6th 11:50 - 12:50 & 7th/8th 1:30 - 3:00. Cost is $2 to get in and we will have a concession stand. Students not attending will be in a class.
about 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Grades should be viewable on HAC Nov. 15th. As always, if you would like a paper copy, you can request one from the office at any time. Thank you and have a great day.
over 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Grades: 5th/6th will go home in the Tuesday folders next week. 7th/8th will be available on HAC and sent home to anyone who requests a paper copy. Thank you and as always, call us if you need to.
over 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
We appreciate all of those who attended Parent Teacher conferences last week. For those who did not attend, teachers are sending grades home by the end of the week.
over 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Reminder that we will have our Annual Report to the Public in the MS LIbrary in 15 minutes.
over 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Parent Teacher conferences next week: - 5/6 conferences will be in their classrooms. - 7/8 and all support staff will be set up in the cafeteria.
over 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
5th grade orientation has been cancelled due to schedule conflicts. We look forward to seeing you at conferences September 20th and 22nd. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding.
over 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
ALERT: At any time during Drop off or Pick up times if you are not needing to go to the Elementary, you can cut through the football field parking lot to exit on Catlett St.
over 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Students can bring money any day this week to pay for the dance. 5th and 6th Graders will give it to their 3rd Block teacher and 7th and 8th will give it to their 7th period teacher. Those who do not want to attend the dance will be housed in a study hall class.
over 8 years ago, Prairie Grove MS