January Breakfast and Lunch Menu's have been posted on the District Website.
about 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
December Breakfast and Lunch Menus have been posted. Location: https://www.pgtigers.org -> Menu -> Cafeteria
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
For the upcoming Digital Days (November 23rd and 24th), there will be a free meal pickup on November 23rd. To schedule a pickup please email virtual.meals@pgtigers.org on the morning of November 23rd. Pickups will be at 10AM.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
For the upcoming Digital Days (November 23rd and 24th), there will be a free meal pickup on November 23rd. To schedule a pickup please email virtual.meals@pgtigers.org
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
Limited bus service will begin Thursday November 12, 2020 for onsite instruction at the High School only. The following bus routes 5, 6, 8, 9 & 14 will not run until further notice due to shortage of bus drivers, and bus drivers being quarantined. The animal route names are: 5-Pig, 6-Bear, 8-Elephant, 9-Turtle, and 14-Moose. Again, bus routes 5, 6, 8, 9 & 14 will not be running. For more information on what routes will run, go to pgtigers.org
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
As of today, we will be virtual instruction only until November 30th. If you need anything from school to do your work, please call our office from 7:50-3:00 tomorrow or Wednesday. 479-846-4220. We will allow pick up of already checked out Chromebooks at any time during school hours, following social distancing procedures. We will send out information as soon as possible through this format. Please check often. Students, it is of the utmost importance to check your email daily for assignments and information. Parents, thanks for your patience in this time of uncharted territory. Teachers will be readily accessible to help students complete work. Students, you are required to do the work assigned in a timely manner.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
All students need to check their email during the next three days for directions from your teachers. Stay safe and we will let you know more information soon.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Dear Prairie Grove School District Parents and Patrons, The district will switch to all virtual instruction for all grade levels (Kindergarten through the 12th grade) starting November 9, 2020 through November 11, 2020. This switch is necessary due to the number of staff members who are quarantined. The quarantine requirements have really affected our child nutrition staff, bus drivers, custodians, several teachers, and building level administrators. Updates will be on the district website: pgtigers.org All Prairie Grove School District schools will be closed November 9, 2020 through November 11, 2020.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
Today, November 6th, Bus 5 (PIG) students will be held at their buildings till roughly 4PM. Another bus will pick those students up and finish the scheduled route for Bus 5. Estimated time will be 45 minutes to an hour later than normal drop off.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
Pee Wee Basketball sign-ups are happening now. Go to www.pgpeeweebooster.org to register by Sunday, November 8th.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
November Breakfast and Lunch Menus have been posted: https://www.pgtigers.org/browse/111941
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
Grades for the 1st quarter will be finalized by 3:00 pm Thursday. You can log into HAC anytime after that to see your student's grades. If you would like a paper copy, you can request one from the office. We will print it and hand to your student to take home.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Today at 9:30AM an accidental RAVE Panic Button was activated. It was a false alarm.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
Picture Day is less than a week away! PGMS Picture Day is October 13th. Order your child's school pictures at mylifetouch.com. Please submit your order before Tuesday, October 13th. The picture day ID, when ordering, is EVT6ZWG4J.
over 4 years ago, Beverly Southern
Concerning the PG vs Gravette Football game on Friday. Anyone who wants tickets needs to come by the high school office to pick up a voucher. You will then take this voucher to the game at Gravette and present it at the ticket booth which will allow you to purchase a ticket. NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO PURCHASE A TICKET W/O A VOUCHER! You may not receive more than 4 vouchers.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
October Breakfast and Lunch Menus have been posted under Menu -> Cafeteria.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove Schools
Virtual students: We want to make sure that you are aware. You DO need to fill out a computer/network usage agreement for this year, even if you are virtual. We have forms that we can email you. You can print and sign the form to turn in through email or you can send us an email (shayne.taylor@pgtigers.org) stating that you agree to the computer usage agreement. These forms were not on the online registration process that you completed earlier. ANY STUDENT WITHOUT ONE BY 3:00 p.m. TODAY WILL BE DISABLED UNTIL WE HAVE AN AGREEMENT ON FILE. The usage form is attached to this post as well. Also remember that we are testing the next two days virtually on iReady. You must have your email account available to get the login for the test. Call the PGMS office if you have questions 479-846-4220. Having said that, realize that we only have one secretary who answers phone calls for us. If you get a chance, please leave a voicemail, as she may be on another line.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Computer Usage Agreement
The 5th grade diagnostic test tomorrow is only for on-site students. We will send out virtual diagnostic testing instructions later.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
5th and 6th grade will take the new iReady diagnostic test this year. This takes the place of the MAP test we have taken over the years. You can read about it here. https://tinyurl.com/y6ev4ham 5th grade is taking it tomorrow morning (charge your chromebooks and bring headphones) and 6th grade will take it in two weeks.
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove MS
Here is our Title I / Public Report https://tinyurl.com/y635cp2j
over 4 years ago, Prairie Grove MS