7th Grade Girls Basketball Tryout May 13th and 14th High School Arena 4:00-6:00 PM This is for current 6th grade girls who want to try out for the 7th grade team next season. All athletes must have a sports physical to participate. Please contact Coach Thomas if you have any questions!
8 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Congratulations to our Student of the Month, Diego Saldana!!
8 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Student of the Month
Congratulations to our Staff Member of the Month, Natasha Davis!!
8 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Staff of the Month
Today we wrapped up our One School, One Book initiative for this year!! Huge thank you to our PTO for sponsoring our reward lunch and virtual author visit with the author of The Lion of Mars, Jennifer Holm! It was such a great experience to talk with the author of our book!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
One School One Book
Bonus Missions
Bonus Missions
Author Visit
Author Visit
Today is School Lunch Hero Day!! We want to thank each of our amazing school nutrition staff members who make sure that our students are fed and ready to learn every single day. They are a vital part of our school community and we appreciate them!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Lunch Hero Day
He's the PRINCE-ipal of our school!! Happy Principal Appreciation Day to Mr. Humphreys - thank you for your leadership and everything that you do to support our students and staff!! Check out all of the Mr. Humphreys look-alikes that showed up at school today!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Principal Appreciation
Principal Appreciation
PGMS Families, This is a reminder that tryouts for next year's 7th Grade boys basketball team will be held on May 1st & 2nd at the Junior High gym from 3:45-5:45pm. Tryouts for next year's 7th Grade girls basketball team will be held on May 13th & 14th at the High School Arena from 4:00-6:00pm. Tryouts for 7th grade Volleyball will be held on May 6th & 7th - please register using the link on the Prairie Grove Volleyball Facebook page. To participate in tryouts, your student will need a current physical. Thank you!
9 months ago, Luke Humphreys
Basketball Tryouts
We have reached the last two days of reading for our One School, One Book!! If your student completed the packet, please have him/her turn it in to Mrs. Tibbit in the library!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
One School One Book
Bonus missions
PGMS Families, Please remember that our new procedures for car riders begins tomorrow. This means the front loop is closed to thru traffic before 7:45 and after 2:30 due to bus traffic, and the back loop is open for drop off and pick only during these times. Please do not enter our teacher parking lot while school is in session - you can park in front of our building if you need to come in. We will have signs posted and extra staff present to help you move in the right direction. Thanks so much for being patient with us during this transition! PS: The expected completion date for Viney Grove Rd south of PGMS has been moved back to mid May, but we plan to move forward with these changes in procedures nonetheless.
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Car Riders
PGMS Families, In response to the near completion of Viney Grove south to Buchanan and the potential issues traffic on this road may cause, Prairie Grove Middle School is developing a new plan for car rider drop-off and pick-up. Beginning Monday April 29th, car rider drop-off and pick-up is moving to the back of PGMS. Before 7:45, car riders must be dropped off in the unloading zone behind our building. Any students arriving after 7:45 must check-in tardy through the front office. After 2:30, car riders must be picked up in the loading zone behind our building. The car rider line will not open until 2:30 - please do not line up behind PGMS before then. Students leaving before 2:30 must check-out through the front office. Like PGES, PGMS will no longer allow students to check-out after 2:30. It will be right turn only onto Bush Street from PGMS. All traffic related to school business must be conducted using the loop in front of the school. Our North teacher parking lot is not for public use during the school day. These changes to drop-off and pick-up procedures do not change any of our safety regulations. All visitors must enter PGMS through the front office at all times. See the letter and map sent home with your student for more information, and please call us if you have any questions. Thank you!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Car Rider Change
Thank you to everyone who came out to Family Night at PGMS!! If you have pictures from last night, drop them below!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
4th grade had their behavior reward shopping today!!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Big thank you to Carrie Thompson for bringing the Treat Train on this rainy Friday!!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
thank you
May Menus!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
We are so excited about Family Night TONIGHT!!! Join us for a space-themed event celebrating our One School, One Book, along with a showcase of our GT students' projects!! 5:30-7:00 at PGMS!!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Family Night
Happy Administrative Professionals Day!! We are beyond thankful for Mrs. Beverly and Mrs. Natasha. They truly keep our school running, and they do it all with grace and patience. Thank you ladies for everything you do each and every day!!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
thank you
Some of our 6th graders made cards for Bus Driver Appreciation Day!! Thank you bus drivers for everything you do!!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Bus Drivers
Bus Drivers
Bus Drivers
Bus Drivers
Bus Drivers
Congratulations to Annetjie Stucki!! Her essay, which won first place in the Fayetteville/Springdale Elks Lodge Americanism Essay Contest, went on to win second place in the state of Arkansas! The theme was "What the Bill of Rights Means to Me."
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Dear parents, School pictures are ready! To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's school ID number. All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card. More about the Smilesafe program here: https://click.m.lifetouch.com/?qs=4762c7f8f35c565432bcd0726a279d3a840cb6e4001042b3b2866ed855435dcf48f9d45e169bb122f2598fd1a59d6f84207f7dee48bcf696 Thank you!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Picture Day
Here is this week's reading for One School, One Book!! We are getting close to the end! We have also had some students completing ALL of the Bonus Missions - way to go guys!! You still have another week to find some astronauts! Also - don't forget Family Night THIS Thursday from 5:30-7:00!!
9 months ago, Prairie Grove Middle School
Family Night
Bonus Mission
Bonus Mission