Check out our October Month At A Glance for PGMS!
The Book Fair starts tomorrow!! Get more information here:
The Book Fair opens on Monday!!
Visit our school's site to load funds on to your student's e-wallet or to preview what books will be at the fair!
TIGERS OF THE WEEK!!! 🐯✨ These students have exemplified Thinkers, Includers, Go-Getters, Encouragers, and Risk-Takers in the hallways. (TIGERs)
Mark Your Calendars for the 1st Annual 5th Grade Star Viewing Party! 🔭⭐️
Picture day is coming up on Tuesday, October 8! You can place your order at before picture day. Picture Day ID: EVTGV74TX
TIGERS OF THE WEEK!!! 🐯✨ These students have exemplified Thinkers, Includers, Go-Getters, Encouragers, and Risk-Takers in the hallways. (TIGERs)
#AllBelong #AllLearn #AllSucceed #TIGERS #PGMS
Tomorrow wear gold or yellow to show our support for Cam and his family!! Cam is a Prairie Grove student who is battling Leukemia.
6th graders learned about the nets of shapes using Magnatiles!
Today is IT Professionals Appreciation Day, and we want to give a huge shout out to our amazing PGSD technology team!! We especially want to thank Will, our on-site network administrator, for everything he does to set up, maintain, and repair all of our many devices at PGMS. We appreciate you Will!!
The fall book fair is coming up soon!! The fair will be open September 30-October 4, including the two evenings of Parent-Teacher Conferences. You can visit our school's book fair site now to preview the fair and add funds to your child's e-wallet.
Save the date!! Conferences are coming up on September 30 and October 1 .
Times each day will be 3:30-6:30.
Suggested days:
September 30 - Last names beginning with A-L
October 1 - Last names beginning with M-Z
TIGERS OF THE WEEK!!! 🐯✨ These students have exemplified Thinkers, Includers, Go-Getters, Encouragers, and Risk-Takers in the hallways. (TIGERs)
Thank you, Rausch Coleman Homes, for your generous donation of a poster printer to our Middle School! Your support and contributions throughout this year have made a big impact on our students and staff. We truly appreciate your commitment to our school community!
Friday is the last day of the PTO Tiger Chain fundraiser!! 4th grade is in the lead!
Ms. McGarry's art class went outside to work with chalk today!!
#AroundPGMS #AroundPGSD
Announcement From District School Nurse
REMINDER from the PGMS PTO 📢🐯 :
Our first fundraiser started today! Students can buy a paper chain link for $1 during their lunch period and write their name on it. (They can buy as many as they want) It's a competition between 4th-6th to see who can grow the longest chain and win a prize.
*This is another volunteer opportunity for parents! We would love to have a group of parents each day at each grade level's lunch period to help sell chains!*
Please get in touch with Ashley Baumgardner if you want to help and on what days/times.
Thank you!! 🐯
Save the date - PGMS Fall Picture Day will be on Tuesday, October 8! More information will be coming home soon.
See the PGMS September Newsletter below. Excited to welcome students back this morning for a great month!