
February 26th (Last names A-L) and February 27th (Last names M-Z) from 3:30 to 6:30

If you need to schedule a different time to meet with your students teachers do not hesitate to reach out to our office. You may arrange to meet with you child's teacher anytime by sending them an email or a message on Rooms. To stay informed on your student's grades, please check HAC regularly. For information about logging into HAC, or any other question, please call our office. ((479) 846-4220)

  • Please do not park on site until after 3:25. We need to give buses a chance to get off site and allow for all teachers to move their vehicles. 

  • Parking Options- 

    • PGMS Front and Side lots

    • Grass in front of PGMS

    • Abundant Life Church Parking Lot 

    • PGHS Parking Log 

  • DO NOT PARK ALONG or ON VINEY GROVE ROAD- PGPD will be ticketing and towing any cars found parked on VG Rd.