History Day Regionals

Prairie Grove Junior High School had a VERY successful day at the National History Day Regional Competition, held on Saturday, March 8, 2025, at the University of Arkansas' Mullins Library.

A total of 18 students presented nine projects to judges, showcasing their historical research and creativity. Their hard work paid off with multiple top placements across various categories!

Documentary Film Winners

1st Place: Azia McQuade, Kaylee Aday, and Aila Schmarge – MGM Hotel Casino Fire
2nd Place: Julia Stewart and Ireland Sparkman – Lucy Byrd Mock

Historical Essay

1st Place: Louisa Tullis – Insulin Price Reform

Individual Historical Exhibit

1st Place: Rhaylin Peoples – Japanese American Internment Camps: "I am an American"
2nd Place: Shaveah Jackson – School Reform from Plessy to Brown

Group Exhibits

1st Place: Grayson Martin and Kyleigh Daniels – Child Labor Reform Through the Pictures of Lewis Hine
3rd Place: Abigail Patterson and Brighten Marshall – Legality of Lobotomy Procedures for Special Needs Patients

Special Recognition

Washington County Historical Research Award: Rhaylin Peoples

  • This prestigious award includes a $100 check and an opportunity to display her project at the Washington County Historical Society this summer!

Congratulations to all PGJHS students who participated! Your dedication to history and research is truly inspiring. Way to represent Prairie Grove with excellence! Thank you to their amazing history teacher and sponsor Tracie Ashley!
