Inclement Weather Procedures

Dear Prairie Grove Families,

As we are monitoring the potential for inclement winter weather this week, we want to remind you of our inclement weather process and how it aligns with our alternative schedule. Linked below, you will find a detailed document outlining the steps we follow in the event of inclement weather.

With our instructional time now measured in hours rather than days, we have six built-in days that provide flexibility to address unforeseen weather conditions. This ensures we can prioritize the safety of our students and staff while meeting state requirements.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Decisions about school closures, late starts, or early dismissals will be communicated promptly through our established channels.

  • Please ensure your contact information is up to date so you receive important notifications. (If you are not receiving district or building text messages, calls, or emails, please contact your student's campus or the administration office.)

    Learn More About The Prairie Grove Schools App & Get Notified!

  • Be familiar with any changes to schedules or routines during weather-related events.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we navigate the challenges of winter weather. If you have any questions or need clarification, please feel free to reach out.

[Review Inclement Weather Process Here]

Stay safe and warm,
Prairie Grove School District